Daily Habits That Leads To Hypertension

daily habits that leads to hypertension

Daily Habits That Leads To Hypertension | Hypertension is a condition where the blood pressure is increase in the long term. Hypertension can also lead to stroke, heart attack, heart failure, and is a major cause of chronic heart failure. Hypertension is owned by many people today, especially those who live in urban areas. Hypertension is not a disease that can be ignored. Starting from hypertension even can be extended to other diseases such as kidney failure, heart failure, and even death. There are several causes of a person having Hypertension. Causes of Hypertension there are who comes from habits and some are derived from family disease history. Here are some daily habits that leads to hypertension, such as:

1. Congenital causes of Hypertension

- Heredity

If someone has a family with a history of hypertension, it is most likely that person will have hypertension too.

- Age

Hypertension is increasing along with the increasing age. Your blood pressure will not be the same as a youth and when you're old.

2. Habits that causes of hypertension

- High cholesterol

High cholesterol is caused by excess fat content in the blood. High cholesterol usually occurs from eating too much fatty foods. The high cholesterol can also lead to Hypertension because the blood vessels to narrow and blood pressure to rise as a result. Therefore keep your diet properly.

- Overweight

Obese people have greater risk of hypertension. Adjust your diet and watch your intake of food that goes into your body. Adjust the portion with the need to prevent obesity.

- Stress

Stress is one of the causes of hypertension. Unstable condition is what can make the risk of having hypertension is greater.

- Cigarette

It has been published in many ads even in his own cigarette packs that smoking can cause heart attacks, hypertension, and disorders of pregnancy and the fetus. It is very clear that smoking is not good for health, but there are still people who love to smoke.

- Lack of exercise

Less activities or exercising can raise blood pressure. Therefore, make it a habit to exercise to lower your hypertension.

- Caffeine and Alcohol

Caffeine and alcohol can also lead to hypertension. Reduce caffeine found in coffee or tea and also reduce the habit of drinking alcohol so your blood pressure can be regulated.

- Salt

Salt is one of the causes of hypertension. Most consume foods with high salinity or salt can trigger blood pressure.

Most people do not realize they have hypertension. There are no symptoms that can make a person think they have Hypertension. If someone is already experiencing chronic diseases such as kidney failure, heart failure or stroke may be someone just realized that they have hypertension. Therefore, get used to checking your blood pressure regularly. Checking blood regularly can also help detect early hypertension and can prevent hypertension.

For people with hypertension, it’s very good to reduce the daily habits that leads to hypertension by doing a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle can be done by avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and reducing salt. In addition, regular exercise can also help you regulate blood pressure.

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