Why am I always Tired

why am I always tired

High activity does indeed make the body tired, so that after doing the activity, we have to rest to refresh our bodies. However, after resting there may be some of you who still feel tired. Why am I always tired ?. Here are some answers about the problems that may occur if you always feel tired.

1. Lack of Drinking

Less drinking can make your body becomes weak and you always feel tired. Mantain the consumption of drinking water and eating fruits and vegetables that contain water.

2. Smoking

Who would have thought that smoking can make the body become tired? This happens because smoking can cause sleep disorders and depression that ultimately confiscate your rest time.

3. Anemia

Anemia is a condition in which the amount of hemoglobin or red blood cells in the blood drop below normal. Form of fatigue that feels it is easy to feel tired, lethargic, and easily tired even though doing light work. While the other symptoms that may arise is the presence of pain in the chest, shortness of breath, pallor, rapid heartbeat, and feeling cold. If you feel the symptoms of anemia, immediately consult a physician.

4. Lack of Sleep

Why do I always feel tired? Generally, adults need seven to eight hours a day for sleep. If you are sleepy during the move, it could be because of the quality and quantity of your sleep decreases. Be careful, because lack of sleep can be bad for your health and concentration.

5. Apnea

Some people think that they had enough sleep. However, never think that they have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty breathing and occur repeatedly. Maybe you do not realize it, but every time it appears this disorder sleep quality will decline. This causes you still feel the lack of sleep despite having spent eight hours for rest. Sleep apnea is also associated with various diseases, such as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Sleep apnea is caused by narrowing of the airways during sleep. As a result, the supply of oxygen to be repeatedly interrupted throughout the night.

6. Excessive Caffeine

Caffeine can interfere with REM phase, the phase in which we feel deep in sleep that is useful in recovering after a full day activity. It is best to avoid drinking coffee / caffeine 4-6 hours before bedtime. Another thing that caused caffeine is, you can become dizzy. Because caffeine can make you tired adrenal glands. It happens when we consume caffeine / coffee with more than 45 grams per day.

7. Wrong Diet

One that you pass through the diet can make your body is tired. Because the body lacks the nutrients it needs to always keep the body in good condition.

8. Diabetes

Uncontrolled diabetes condition causes your body's energy quickly depleted. If you feel fatigue, blurred vision and very frequent urination, immediately do the blood sugar levels and consult about your diabetes problem.

Why am I always tired ?. 8 points above is one of the causes of your question. If it’s happen to you, immediately consult a doctor for further treatment.

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