Healthy Juice Recipes

healthy juice recipes

Healthy Juice Recipes | Fruits has benefits that are good for the body. Besides can be eaten, fruits can also be used as beverages, that’s  juice. Drinking  juice is very good for the body. The juice has a high vitamin because it is made from fresh fruit that is rich in benefits. Here are healthy juice recipes you can try at home.

Healthy Juice Recipes - Cucumber and Lemon Juice

  1. 150 grams of cucumber
  2. 2 limes
  3. 100 ml of ginger water
  4. 2 tablespoons sugar syrup

How to make Healthy Juice Recipes - Cucumber and Lemon Juice:
  1. Wash the cucumber to clean then peel and cut into pieces. Blend until smooth.
  2. Take a lemon and squeeze it. Put it in cucumber juice, add ginger water and sugar syrup.

Benefits of Healthy Juice Recipes - Cucumber and Lemon Juice:
  1. Calories on cucumber is very low, only 15 grams of calories per 100 grams. Contains no saturated fat or cholesterol. Consume cucumber as medicine and used to treat chronic constipation.
  2. Cucumber contain antioxidants such as B-carotene, carotenoids, zea - xanthin and lutein. These compounds act as free radical scavengers common cause of aging and other age-related diseases.
  3. The largest and most important benefits of cucumber for skin is revitalizing. Face mask that contains cucumber extract good for skin tightening.

Healthy Juice Recipes - Orange Carrot Juice

  1. 200 grams of carrots
  2. 100 ml of water
  3. 4 pieces of sweet orange
  4. Sugar to taste (if less sweet)
  5. Ice cubes

How to make Healthy Juice Recipes - Orange Carrot Juice:
  1. Wash the carrots to clean then peeled and diced
  2. Chop sweet orange and take the essence
  3. Put the carrots, water and sugar into a blender
  4. Add lemon juice and stir until blended
  5. Pour into serving glasses and add ice cubes to taste

Benefits Healthy Juice Recipes - Orange Carrot Juice:
  1. Improve Vision: Everyone also knew, eating carrots is good for eyesight. This is because carrots contain beta-carotene and lutein, that are also found to be concentrated in the retina. These compounds are useful to protect vision, especially at night.
  2. Prevent Cancer: Carrot juice contains antioxidants types of carotenoids, which have been associated with a decreased risk of postmenopausal breast cancer by up to 20%. Some studies also found that the benefits of carrot juice can reduce 50% the risk of some cancers, such as: colon, prostate, cervix, and bladder. Other studies have shown similar results with lung cancer. The researchers believe that this effect is caused by the content of xanthophylls, gamma-carotene, lycopene, lutein, and alpha-carotene in carrots.

Healthy Juice Recipes - Sugar Apple, Papaya,  Mango Juice

  1. 50 grams of sugar apple
  2. 50 grams of papaya
  3. 50 grams of mango
  4. ¾ cup water
  5. 2 tablespoons sugar syrup
  6. Ice cubes

How to make Healthy Juice Recipes - Sugar Apple, Papaya,  Mango Juice:
  1. Cut all ingredients into small pieces and place in a blender
  2. Add water and sugar syrup. Blend until smooth
  3. Pour into a glass, and add some ice cubes

Benefits Healthy Juice Recipes - Sugar Apple, Papaya,  Mango Juice:
  1. Mangoes contain antioxidant compounds including astragalin, methylgallat, isoquercitrin, fisetin, quercetin and gallic acid. All of these compounds are considered to be effective for reducing the risk of breast cancer, colon, and prostate.
  2. Sugar apple contain tannins that can be used to treat diarrhea, and acute dysentery.
  3. Papaya has many benefits. One of the benefits is the papain in papaya will dissolve dead skin cells so that your skin becomes more luminous.

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