Homemade Body Scrub

homemade body scrub

Creating smooth and beautiful skin can be done by ourselves at home, with homemade body scrub. Homemade body scrub can be made using materials that we want to. In addition to an easy way, it would be more practice because you do not have to buy beauty products sold in supermarkets or visit the beauty salon. By making homemade body scrub of course you can make cost savings, is not it?. How to make homemade body scrub and what the ingredients? Check out the tips below:

How to make homemade body scrub of rice and honey:

1. Prepare 1 cup of rice, use of organic rice (without preservative and bleach)
2. Wash the rice and soak in water overnight
3. Remove and drain the rice to dry
4. Blend the rice using a pestle or a blender
5. Mix the rice that has been refined with 1 tablespoon honey
6. Apply evenly on the skin scrub body
7. Allow the scrub to dry
8. Clean the body with cold water and pat dry with a soft towel

This homemade body scrub using honey as a material. What is the efficacy of honey for skin? Honey is used to treat damaged skin and regenerate new skin cells. Honey effective to cure eczema, dermatitis and other skin disorders. Honey is rich in natural antioxidants, which help protect the skin from ultraviolet damage. Honey can be used as a sunscreen to protect skin from the sun.

How to make homemade body scrub of coffee:

1. Mash ½ kg coffee beans until smooth half
2. Add olive oil and yam flour
3. Rub coffee scrub on all your body gently
4. Leave for 1 hour until dry
5. Then wash your body using water that already added little bit salt

Coffee used as a homemade body scrub ingredients. What coffee efficacy for skin? Most of the benefits of coffee are used for skin care, namely the fight against cellulite. The caffeine in coffee helps to break down fat cells, reactive flow and increase fat burning rate of the molecule with strong lipolytic effect, so coffee became one of the best and natural ingredients as anti cellulite.

How to make homemade body scrub of avocado:

1. Add 1 avocado smoothed with 100-120 grams of flour
2. Apply the scrub avocado throughout the body and massage gently
3. After that, allow it to dry completely
4. Then rinse with clean water

This homemade body scrub using avocado as the main ingredient. What are the benefits of avocado to the skin? The content of vitamin A in avocados can help clear up any dead skin cells. The amino acid glutamine is also useful to provide sufficient protection from some of the adverse effects due to environmental factors. Antioxidants in avocado detoxify your body to issue all poisons or toxins that tend to make your skin becomes wrinkled or dry when an early age. It can also help remove wrinkles on the skin and make it glow.

To get a smooth and radiant skin can be done with a homemade body scrub. How to make homemade body scrub and materials that easily available are the advantages of this homemade body scrub. You can make this homemade body scrub and can be applied to the skin once or twice a week to get a clear and smooth skin. Good luck.

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